fredag 20 november 2009

the Egghead and the Hourglass

Det blir nu fredagsögongodis. Världens finaste par enligt min mening och även om deras äktenskap inte fungerade och allt sådant, så var dem helt ofattbart ändlöst fina. Det blir dagens inspiration.

Arthur Miller och Marilyn Monroe
eller "the Egghead and the Hourglass",
rubriken som prydde många tidningar efter att äktenskapet bekräftades.

För jag menar åh. Titta bara på dem.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

"To have survived, she would have had to be either more cynical or even further from reality than she was. Instead, she was a poet on a street corner trying to recite to a crowd pulling at her clothes."

"she was “highly self-destructive”, during our marriage, “all my energy and attention were devoted to trying to help her solve her problems. Unfortunately, I didn’t have much success.””

Arhthur Miller om Marilyn Monroe

Linnéa Ingrid

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